Brant Road Surgery

Alert (Urgent)

If you require urgent medical help which cannot wait until the surgery reopens, please call NHS 111 for assistance or visit

Alert (Urgent)

Patient Notice - 17th October 2024

SCAM - We have been made aware that the Springcliffe branch site (42 St Catherines) has been used on a scam website for a dental practice, which is asking patients to book and pay for appointments online and then arrive at the site to register.  42 St Catherine's is NOT a dental practice.  The website is fake.  This has been reported to the Police Action Fraud department.

Alert (Urgent)

Please note we will be closed from 1pm on Wednesday 20th November for Protected Learning Time. We will re-open at 8am on Thursday 21st November.

Contact Us

01522 724411

Brant Road Surgery

291 Brant Rd

Opening times: The practice is closed today